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Website Marketing

Web site marketing has become critical to the success of virtually any business or organization.

For your online marketing effort to be successful you must have a strategy that will ensure that your site is not lost among the millions of other sites on the web.

In order for your web site to succeed you must have a steadily increasing flow of targeted, qualified visitors to your web site.

How will you achieve this?

How will yours be found?

...Through effective web site marketing!

Marketing a web site is still a relatively new field for most often resulting in poorly executed or non-existent efforts. Another big factor leading to ineffective online efforts is the underestimation of the importance of the Internet as a business tool. In these cases, the web marketing effort is given a low priority and soon people are "too busy" to track the effectiveness of their online initiative.

Some business people are under the impression that their web site marketing needs are being "taken care of" by either their "I.T." department or "advertising people". Whether in-house or outsourced, the reality is that many "advertising" and "computer" people have yet to develop the expertise to service the web site marketing needs of their clients with maximum effectiveness.

There are a number of strategies and techniques that have proven to be highly cost-effective and consistently produce results. Three of the most important are outlined below.

Search Engine Optimization - The selection of keywords and phrases related to the subject matter of your web site and the integration of them into the content of your website and the application of a number of technical steps. The objective is to assist search engines with aligning your site with Internet users that are performing web searches using those same keywords and phrases.

Comprehensive search engine optimization should be a cornerstone in any serious effort to market a website. If you would like more information on...

Please contact us.

Link Building - Establishing a link to your site from other relevant web sites is a time-tested and highly effective web marketing technique. The two key benefits of establishing links to your site from others are targeted traffic to your site and improved search engine rankings.

Many of the major search engines consider a link to a site from another a sort of "vote of confidence" will rank the site being linked-to higher. In general, the more links you have pointing to your site from other sites the better. Whenever possible you should seek links from other sites that share some relevance to the subject matter of your web site.

How do you obtain links from other web sites to yours as part of your online marketing strategy? Just ask... In many cases other webmasters will be happy to provide a link to a relevant, quality site in exchange for the same in return.

A link building campaign should be an ongoin part your web site marketing campaign.

Opt-in Email List - Once you have attracted a qualified and targeted visitor to your site apply leverage and multiply the effects of your marketing effort! How? It's simple... Your web site visitors will likely be willing to hear from you on an ongoing basis via email. Don't be confused, we are not talking about "spam" or unwanted e-mail messages being pushed on people without their permission.

If your site has substance and offers a perceived value to your visitors and you provide an easy way for them to join your email list, on their own, many will do so. Once a visitor "subscribes" to your site you can reach out and touch them again and again at a tiny fraction of the cost of any other marketing medium bar none.

Your online marketing strategy should include an Opt-in Email List.

Want to learn more about doing it right on the Internet